Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Talking About Home - 954 Words

If someone were to talk about a â€Å"home†, there could be many different things that would come to mind. Home is defined as â€Å"a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household† (â€Å"Home†). Depending on the person and the type of environment they grew up in, you would most certainly get many different answers. In my opinion, home isnt just a place that you live in, but a place of peace and acceptance, and a place that you share with your family. A good, simple quote that represents this is â€Å"home is where the heart is†-Pliny the Elder (â€Å"Home Quotes†). There are many aspects of a home that can all play a role on your very own personal identity, like concrete things such as the building itself and the geographical location, to even the more mental things such as the social environment in your household. Everything that makes up the environment of your home, plays a very big role in the way it shapes your life and personal identity. I currently reside in my moms house in Prescott, Wisconsin. She is the only parent in my household because my parents divorced four years ago. When I was born, I lived in Apple Valley, Minnesota. When I went into kindergarten, my family moved to Farmington, Minnesota, and by the time I was in fourth grade, I made my way to Prescott. All of this moving around was due to my dad and his job. Sometimes, I wonder how all this moving has impacted my life, all the friends I could of made, all the opportunities inShow MoreRelatedI Am Talking About My Grandparent s Home1506 Words   |  7 Pagesthrown. The place I am talking about is my Grandmother s house. As a child, my cousins and I would visit her and my grandfather. Coinciding with their home and personalities, their yard alone, was so full of life. 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